Pot Calls Kettle Black; Kettle Calls Pot Racist

Hot on the heels of its recent report on human rights abuse in the US, the world’s favorite alleged Democratic People’s Republic, North Korea, continued to amp up its provocative by releasing via state media station KCNA a particularly racist propaganda piece on US President Barack Obama which, among many guilty highlights, labels the president a “wicked black monkey” who ought to “live as a monkey in an African natural zoo licking the breadcrumbs thrown by spectators.”

So maybe not too far off on the racist label, then.

This is the same DPRK whose human rights complaint called the US “a kingdom of racial discrimination”, and reported to be so dedicated to its own racial purity that it forcibly aborts fetuses of suspected Chinese origin. The same DPRK that treats NBA players better than Donald Sterling.

North Korea is pretty well the unpredictable mean drunk of the international community, sulking in a corner and lashing out at other nations more well-adjusted to mask its own deep internal turmoil. One sympathizes.

The US response has been measured, which is unusually reactionary given its usual stance of total stonewalling. DPRK has a pretty reliable annual tantrum around the time of the joint US-South Korean Military exercises, and are expected to continue residing in peace and harmony immediately after conducting their upcoming fourth nuclear weapons test so that they may continue to abuse their human rights in private.

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